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Airport Policies

Akron Jesson Field Policies and Procedures for All Users


  1. All airport users are required to adhere to the airport code of conduct.

  2. All airport users are required to adhere to the airport policies and procedures.

  3. The code of conduct and airport policies and procedures may be amended from time to time and will be available on the airport website and in the airport business office for review.

  4. Airport Access. 

    1. The airport is always available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to the flying public.  This access is accomplished as follows.

      1. All members of the flying public have access through the airport man gate. The man gate has a keypad with a code. This code can be obtained by calling or texting the phone number posted on the sign adjacent to the gate on the outside of the fence. This code will be amended from time to time in order to maintain an appropriate level of airport security. The airport can be exited through the same gate by simply using the knob on the inside of the gate.

      2. Drive on access.  Airport board members (Airport Management), Airport Employees, Flight Instructors (Authorized by Airport Management), Airport Tenants, and Maintenance/Management Personnel of 9G3 based aircraft (Authorized by Airport Management), are afforded drive on access. Individuals covered by this policy are issued one gate card. A lost card can be replaced for $25. Please note that drive on access to the airport is a privilege. Any violation of the airport code of conduct or policy may result in a loss of this privilege, as determined by the Airport Management. Drive on access is only afforded to the individual who is a card holder except as allowed in 5 (d).

  5. Drive on Access Policies.

    1. Airport Speed Limit is 10 MPH.

    2. No parking in designated no parking areas.

    3. Gate card holders may not lend their gate cards to anyone.

    4. Airport Tenants may allow a single guest (one vehicle) to access the field using their gate card under their direct supervision. This means the Airport Tenant must be present in person and guest are not to drive around the airport unsupervised. Airport Tenants are responsible for the conduct of their guest while they are on the field. Any violation of the airport code of conduct or airport policies by a guest is grounds for removal of drive on access privileges, as determined by the Airport Management.

    5. Any violation of the airport code of conduct or airport policies by an Airport Tenant is grounds for removal of the tenant’s drive on access privileges.

  6. FBO Access. 

    1. The FBO is not attended normally but is available to tenants 24 hours a day using their gate access card. Tenants guest are allowed access to the FBO under direct supervision of the tenant. FBO access is a privilege and may from time to time be restricted based on Federal, State, or Local Restrictions or as determined by the Airport Management.

  7. Restroom Facilities.

    1. An FBO restroom is available 24 hours a day to the flying public.

  8. FBO Computer Access.  

    1. There is a computer available in the FBO.

  9. Snow plowing and removal. 

    1. Every effort is made to keep the airport open during the winter months. There are times that significant snow events may require the airport to be closed for a period to address snow removal. If the airport is closed there will be a NOTAM issued reflecting this fact. Airport Tenants may request that their hangars be plowed out 24 hours in advance by contacting the Airport Office by phone directly or leaving a message.  This provision allows for the plowing staff to plan their activities.  Every effort will be made to honor these requests based on the current weather situation.

  10. Fueling Facilities. 

    1. 24 hour aircraft fueling is available through the airport’s QTpod fueling station. There are specific procedures posted at the fueling island for operation of the fueling facilities. There is a fire extinguisher available along with a spill kit. There is also an emergency shut off available. The adherence of proper procedures for aircraft fueling is very important to maintain the safety of the airports fueling facilities. Violations of the fueling procedures and safety measures could result in the loss of an individual’s fueling privileges.

  11. Dumpster. 

    1. There is a dumpster available for normal hangar garbage. If a tenant has the need to clean out a hangar, and it is going to generate a large amount of garbage, arrangements must be made with the airport manager. The dumpster is not to be used to dispose of oil, fuel, or hydraulic waste, tires, or other hazmat. It is also not to be used for garbage imported into the airport.

  12. Flammable Substance Storage.​

    1. Airport users are not to store flammable substances such as gas, oil, or fuel on the field in excess of two 5-gallon tanks. 

  13. Waste Oil.

    1. There is a complimentary waste oil facility to dispose of only spent motor oil generated from the maintenance of personal aircraft. Use of this facility to dispose of hydraulic fluids, antifreeze or other fluids is prohibited and produces a tremendous added cost to the airport.

  14. Maintenance of Hangars.

    1. Taxing in and out of hangars is strictly prohibited!

    2. Aircraft must be out of the hangar for fueling!

    3. All power tools used in hangar should be grounded!

    4. Paints, solvents, thinners and other flammable liquids or materials will be used only when the hangar door is open for ventilation!

    5. Combustible materials must be stored in metal containers and closed when not in use!

    6. There shall be NO open flames or welding in the hangar!

    7. There shall be no smoking in the hangar at any time!

    8. Any foods shall be stored in containers and any food garbage shall be removed immediately to prevent rodent problems which can literally destroy your aircraft.

    9. No unattended charging of batteries except for aircraft batteries that are charged with an aviation approved battery charger, such as Battery Minder.

  15. Airport Conduct.

    1. Drugs and alcohol are expressly prohibited on Airport property.​


Thank you for taking the time to review these policies. It is the sincere desire of the Airport Management to make the airport a safe and enjoyable environment for all airport users. Your attention to these policies will help us in this endeavor. 


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